A Man, His Magazine, The Unforgettable Adventures

Tells the behind-the-scenes story of a man, his magazine, and the memorable adventures that have entertained, informed, and inspired readers for half a century.
Hunting the Dream features 325 pages, plus a special 8-page photo section. Its 34 chapters are complemented by nearly 100 b/w photographs. The book features three separate divisions: Part I, “The Early Years”; Part II, “Following Dreams”; and Part III, “Gray Dawns, Golden Sunsets.” And while this book reveals the inside story of one noted hunter’s long life and career, it also chronicles an American family, shares the story of a magazine’s amazing success, and relates numerous adventures from an outdoor writer whose artist’s eye for detail and descriptive prose combine to guide readers on a shared journey that will be long remembered after the book’s final page is turned.
And while this sometimes funny, sometimes sad M. R. James book will be of obvious interest to his fellow hunters, it also is certain to resonate with a diverse audience. Any man or woman who shares a strong sense of family, an unashamed love of wildlife and wild places, of good friends and good dogs and good storytelling, will enjoy the journey. Simply stated, this is an eminently readable, fascinating real life tale. Discover its appeal for yourself and then help spread the word.
Where To Buy
Hunting the Dream is available as a paperback or illustrated eBook volume from either Amazon & Barnes and Noble.
The same excellent quality that launched and kept BOWHUNTER Magazine a favorite read for decades.
M. R. it has been great having you around to help me in my pursuit of tagging the big one with my bow! Thanks for all of the pointers and equipment that you have given me over the years, as well as giving me permission to hunt your prime property!
M.R., it has been a pleasure to know you on the professional level as well as the personal one. Your intgrity and love for the sport is the same, no matter at what level. Your living the dream has helped so many people you will never know, because of your living, they have been able to dream.
M.R. years ago a shy young Native American woman met and a lasting bound was formed. A true, dear trusted bowhunting friend became my family. Bowhunting runs in “OUR” blood. You are the man!
What a great site.I really love the old photos.I would like to thank you as well for all you have done for bowhunting and all you continue to do.When I was just starting out bowhunting I could hardly wait to get my issue of bowhunter magazine .It was the best then and still is now.I cannot wait to get my hands on Hunting the Dream.Thanks again.
M.R. Just returned home from bear camp to discover your new book laying on my desk. I had not even began to unpack my bags and there I was reading the first few chapters. As with your books in the past, I was captivated by it. You truly are a wordsmith. Thanks for another great read.
Being your longtime friend, I saw you create the single most important media tool which contributed to the growth of modern archery and bowhunting. The information that the many contributors gave through the pages of Bowhunter Magazine made us all better at the hunting experience.
Congratulations on this accomplishment.
Sincerely, Don Castrup
As a friend of over 40 years, it has been a pleasure to watch the magazine from it’s birth, and to watch you and the magazine become true icons for the American bowhunter.
The website looks great and can’t wait to get the new book on the shelf beside your others that so many of us have enjoyed.
We just both read your book, Loved it. Thanks for the memories.
After buying your book yesterday, I came home and started reading and did not put the book down until 1 a.m. You painted vivid pictures with your words of Midwestern living, loving parents, good friends, a loving soulmate, children, grandchildren, and dreams. Even though I am not a bowhunter, I felt like I was right there for those great moments. Five stars, my friend. I highly recommend!
Hunting the Dream…Great hunting stories which weaved a timeline through the bowhunting world. M.R. poignantly painted a picture of his life that stirred passion and intense memories for me of my own boyhood experiences. You will find yourself reflecting on your own bowhunts and misadventures of youth. I related personally to many of his exploits throughout his book. Great Book! I would recommend it to anyone.
In a time when many of our bow hunting heroes have left us way too son, it is a blessing to have in our midst and ranks a gentleman who can still inspire us, educate and teach us with well written words from pen to paper. Regardless if you choose wheels and cables or simple stick and string, you cannot ignore MR James’ writings. Somehow he has the ability to reach out from the pages, grab us by the hand and take each of us with him on his vast hunts and experiences. Just as if we were in the same camp, on the same hunt and drawing the same bow. I feel most fortunate to have grown up when MR’s name is as well known as Fred Bear, Howard Hill and many others. Thanks MR for all you’ve given us regarding our wonderful sport of Bow Hunting. >>>>>>>——————————–>